Lately I have been doing a lot with JMX. I use it more and more to check what my application is doing. I use it to monitor tomcat, the cache, queue’s and other libraries and components. Now I wanted to
Creating a sortable list of items using jQuery
For a project that I am working on Your-Scrum I need a lot of items in a list that are sortable. One Story is to have a backlog with stories that are sortable to reflect the importance. Using Domain Driven
Why Spring Roo is not my thing
To be honest, I was planning a long article about why I used spring roo for a new project I am working on. It all looks so promising, man I had a very nice app in a few hours. The
Integrate flex security in Mate using the spring BlazeDS integration project
More than a year a go I started writing about flex. My first post was about the integration of BlazeDS with the springframework at the back-end using intellij. I moved on with a Datagrid component that had filtering included in
Upgrading the flex based books-overview sample
As a lot of you out there know, I write a lot about flex and java. For my flex posts I use a sample called books-overview. You can find the sourcecode on google code. A lot of different frameworks released
Doing flex with JMS: combining BlazeDS, spring-jms and ActiveMQ
The complete story of combining a lot of different technologies and a lot of different blog post and articles found on the web. There are multiple good posts around this topic, but none of them gave the exact solution I
Using spring integration for rss reading
For a customer I was thinking about a solution to loosely couple some systems to be integrated with a content management system, hippo cms in this case. I remembered I had a demo for a few times by Iwein Fuld
Upgrading to Spring BlazeDS Integration M2
I have written some posts about using flex and the project Spring BlazeDS Integration. If you haven’t read that post I suggest you start there first : Flex remoting without configuring the client. That said, what is this post about?