Today, I released version 0.6 of the Axon Framework. 0.6 has many new features and is another step towards full production readiness. There is still some work to do, but first, let’s take a look at what has changed…
Test fixtures are now part of the axon-test module. These fixtures allow you to test your command handling logic based on events and commands. You define these tests in a given-when-then style: given these past events, when I execute this command, I expect these events to occur.
The CommandBus interface now allows for asynchronous command dispatching. Instead of using a return value, a Callback can be given to the command bus if you wish to be notified of the result of command execution.
The repositories make use of a UnitOfWork instance, which keeps track of changed aggregates and generated events. Instead of saving each aggregate separately, the UnitOfWork can be committed, causing changed aggregates to be stored, and events to be dispatched. With the new SimpleUnitOfWorkInterceptor or the SpringTransactionalInterceptor, it is no longer necessary to call In fact, you are discouraged from doing so.
Repositories are now capable of detecting conflicting modifications. When loading an aggregate, you may pass in the expected version of the aggregate. An exception is raised if that version does not match the actual version.
Event sourcing repositories allow for a more advanced way of detecting conflicts. Sometimes, not all concurrent modification are in conflict with each other. One user may very well change the shipping address of an order, while another user is adding items. Other modifications, however, are clearly conflicting, such as one user marking an order as shipped, and another one adding a product. For this purpose, you can register a ConflictResolver with the repository. This conflict resolver can, based on unseen and newly applied events, decide whether the changes made by the second user are accepted.
Axon now provides a mechanism to trigger snapshot creation based on the number of events needed to load to reconstitute an aggregate. When the number of events exceeds a given threshold, a snapshot is created and stored in the Event Store.
The SimpleCommandBus and SimpleEventBus now expose statistics over JMX. Although currently quite limited, the statistics will be improved in the coming versions.
All of these features help making applications with CQRS-based architectures even easier. But we’re not there yet. The coming months, we will try to make it even easier with features like Event versioning, support for aggregates with multiple entities, and whatever comes to mind in Axon’s growing community.
For more information about the Axon Framework, see