Man, have I been busy the last few weeks. So much to do, so much to learn, so much to try. Within two days it is time for our presentation at the dutch NLJug. I have been setting up the osgisamples website. Upgraded the family website. For my current employer we are finishing a webservices project at a big client. After about 1 1/2 year it is time to go to a new client. The time to relax is starting to come back. I want to use more time to start reading books. Ofcourse no thrillers :-), but interesting books. So from now on you will see some book reviews on the website again. I hope you will get enthousiastic about the books. If you decide to buy the books, you can support me by clicking on the link on this website. This also gives me an indication if people like what I write about the books.

This time I want to write something about the following book:

This is not a programming book, no you won’t find java in here, no webservices, but a lot of technology. The book is about innovations. How can you be innovative. Is it something you can learn? Was the gravity moment of Newton an epiphany, or is that not possible. Does the eureka moment exist when your innovative, or do you need a lot of time to prepare that euraka moment. The book uses a nice historical introduction and a lot of links to resources on the web to read more. Sometimes it is just fun to follow the links and continue reading there. The biggest problem is that you need some sleep. You can really get lost in all that interesting reading on the web. Just for the fun two examples of interesting links. – look for good initiatives and learn from the past – nice story about how something simple can influence the world.