Welcome to the website about gridshore software engineering. On this website we regularly post items about software engineering in general. Next to that we have a lot to tell about all the different technologies that we use. You can expect articles about: java, spring framework, ajax technologies, maven2, etc. So there is a lot of interesting information to be found here.
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Name | Bio |
Jettro Coenradie | I am a software engineer working in the ICT business now for around 15 years. My motto is learn by sharing knowledge. I like to read and learn, but most of all write about what I have learned. I give a lot of presentations within the company, but I also have given presentations to a larger community about web security using Acegi and webservice versioning using OSGi. During the projects I have done I learned about programming, designing, analysis and a lot about doing projects. My focus has been configuration management en quality of code. I have worked with a lot of different architectures but the web seems to be coming back every time. Nowadays there are two area that I focus on. For the front end I want a richer experience by using ajax frameworks (jQuery, DWR, Google Web Toolkit, wicket, etc) but also adobe flex. I always combine these technologies with a solid back end using springframework. For the future I want to use more OSGi. I am a strong believer in the Service Component Architecture. Next to the technical stuff I try to broaden my horizon by reading books about personal effectivity and management styles. Most recent books: The machine that changed the World (Story about lean production) and Pour your heart into it (How starbucks built a company). And last but not least I am starting to become an apple fanatic. |
Allard Buijze |
I am a Software Architect at Trifork. In that role, I investigate different technologies and methodologies to find out how they can help us develop better code in less time. One way to test these methodologies is to apply them in real projects or proof-of-concepts. However, I strongly believe that sharing knowledge and visions is the best way to make progress. No developer is able to do anything on his own. When you share knowledge, you hand over what you have to the next generation of developers, giving you the opportunity to move on an learn more. “You can only grab something if your hands are empty.”
In the past years, I have worked on several integration projects, mostly using Web Services, from Axis 1 to CXF and Spring WS. Other technologies that have gotten my interest in the past years are OSGi and AOP. I will take every opportunity to extend (and share) my knowledge on these areas. Although software development and research take up most of my time, I like to dedicate some of the remaining time to Squash and Tennis. It’s just a nice way to get rid of excess energy. |