I am creating a number of websites based on wordpress. Up till now I was just hacking the server and hoping that a backup was in place. At a certain moment I accidentally broke the .htaccess file. I enabled nice
Upgrade maven and switch between versions using bash on the mac
Over three years a go I wrote a blog post explaining the steps to upgrade you maven installation on Mac OS X Leopard. I have been using snow leopard now for a while and things changed a bit. In one
Two new apps for the mac
This is a short post about two applications that I am using on the mac. I know one of them is not the most obvious choice, still I like it a lot better than another one that is used a
widgets for the mac
Sunday morning, it is raining, and I am playing with the new mac. I was browsing through the default bookmarks and stumbled upon the widgets download page. Usually I do not use these nifty little apps a lot. Which is
Upgrade subversion client on mac osx
The mac is a pretty complete system for developing applications. Once I was surprised that tools like subversion and maven come pre-installed. There is a big advantage for the non-technical users that these tools are pre installed. Although I doubt
Mac osx killer apps III
Again a blog post about the tools I use on the mac. I have written about this before and therefore I have decided to create a separate page with a list of all the tools. That way you can find
Want to see a real UI cross-platform application framework?
Ever wondered what language or library is used for Google Earth, Skype, Sony Mylo, Photoshop Album, KDE, VLC Media Player and of course my companies own Papyrus EYE? It is NOT .NET, JAVA nor Adobe Flex, OpenLaszlo, JavaFX, AJAX, or
Using smultron as a TextMate alternative
This is a short post about again another tool for the mac. I was using TextMate as an external text editor. There were a few reasons why I liked it a lot. I am using it mainly for editing files