How often do you start creating a new application? How often have you thought about configuring an application. Where to locate a config file, how to load the file, what format to use? Another thing you regularly do is adding
Oh no, more logs, start with logstash
How many posts have you seen about logging? And how many have your read about logging? Recently logging became cool again. Nowadays everybody talks about logstash, elasticsearch and kibana. It feels like everybody is playing with these tools. If you
This was my 2012
It is almost the end of the year, we are getting ready for 2013. Therefore I want to look back at my 2012 as a software engineer. I want to look back at the blogs I have written, the presentations
Creating an rss feed using the latest features of Hippo
On my employers blog I wrote a piece about a new feature of Hippo called pipelines that can be used to create new content channels. We have created an rss feed using the standard components of Hippo combined with the
Combining java and Node.js through redis pub/sub and a json remote interface
Recently I have been doing a lot with Node.js. It is a nice server technology that enables you to program on the server like you program on the client. Wouldn’t it be nice to create a java based business logic
Creating presentations with Node.js
I am learning about Node.js. While learning I usually create a few demo’s. Another thing I am attending a training for is learning how to give good presentations. I had to prepare a 10 minute presentation. Would be nice if
Installing Node.js on my new Synology
About a week a go I bought myself a Synology. A very nice product with reasonable value for money. Especially if you consider the options you have if you are not scared to get your hands dirty. Agreed the graphical
First steps with Node.js
With a colleague I was talking about Node.js. My first though, “yeah right, JavaScript on the server!”. But you have to be open minded if you want to learn new stuff. Therefore I thought about giving it a spin. I