More than a year a go I started writing about flex. My first post was about the integration of BlazeDS with the springframework at the back-end using intellij. I moved on with a Datagrid component that had filtering included in
Upgrading the flex based books-overview sample
As a lot of you out there know, I write a lot about flex and java. For my flex posts I use a sample called books-overview. You can find the sourcecode on google code. A lot of different frameworks released
Doing flex with JMS: combining BlazeDS, spring-jms and ActiveMQ
The complete story of combining a lot of different technologies and a lot of different blog post and articles found on the web. There are multiple good posts around this topic, but none of them gave the exact solution I
Upgrading to Spring BlazeDS Integration M2
I have written some posts about using flex and the project Spring BlazeDS Integration. If you haven’t read that post I suggest you start there first : Flex remoting without configuring the client. That said, what is this post about?
Flex remoting without configuring the client
For a while I am experimenting with flex. I wrote quite some posts about flex and security and I started writing about the Springframework BlazeDS Integration project. One thing that I do not really like about the configuration is the
Creating the flex client using Spring ActionScript
In my previous post I have created a flex client with a BlazeDS back-end using the spring blazeds integration. If you are familiar with the springframework, the configuration became a lot easier at the server side. Still I had some
Wow, springframework enters the ActionScript and flex domain
Some time a go I had a chat with Alef Arendsen. We talked about flex and the integration with springframework. As a lot of you know, I wrote a few posts about that topic. We talked about what the springframework
Things I do with flex as a java programmer
So far I have written a few posts mainly about the implementation of security and flex. In this post I want to focus on a the usage of flex in a more general sense. For the experienced flex programmer, this