Some time a go I had a chat with Alef Arendsen. We talked about flex and the integration with springframework. As a lot of you know, I wrote a few posts about that topic. We talked about what the springframework
Integration spring security (Acegi) and flex 3 the sequel
In my previous blog post : integrating flex 3 with spring security I made a good effort to create a nice flex 3 application and integrate authentication and authorization with spring security. A few days a go I received a
Integrating flex 3 with spring security (formerly known as Acegi)
This blog item show a way of doing security, after some additional experience I consider this method as being non optimal. The server side does not change a lot (spring security configuration), but the client does. I explain my current
Integrating Flex3 and Springframework using BlazeDS and intelliJ
Those who read articles here regularly know by know I use the springframework a lot. It is a very nice framework for creating server side code. Also the spring-mvc project is something I have used a lot. Still it does