Today, I finalized the 0.5 release of the Axon Framework. There is quite a number of changes since the 0.4 version. The 0.5 version is a major step towards production readiness of the framework. Besides some changes to existing building
Use Grails and Axon to create a CQRS application (part II)
In this post we focus on getting the task based user interface. We have the basic building blocks in the application, but the screens are a bit stupid. How many applications would you create where you have to manually copy
What I have been doing lately – CQRS, CQRS and Axon
Some people have asked be what I was working on lately, since they didn’t see any blogs from me the last months. Well, my life has been heavily focused on the investigation of all the capabilities of a very simple
Attaching flex to Axon using the new Axon CommandBus
I have blogged before about the flex client I have created for the Axon framework addressbook sample project. If you did not read it before and want to learn more about the parsley framework, check this blog. In this
Use Grails and Axon to create a CQRS application (part I)
Allard has been working on a new framework to make it easier to create a CQRS application. CQRS is short for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. An architecture that separates data sources for storing state and querying data. The query datasource
Doing more with groovy
I have big plans with groovy. After playing around with grails and doing some groovy scripting I was sure. I want more groovy. To be able to do more with groovy, I needed to learn more about groovy. One way